domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Deckbuilding Cheatsheet - Standard Land names - Rivals of Ixalan Edition

One of the problems I have to deal with every time I write a decklist is the name of lands in a particular cycle of duals. To help with that, here is a list of Standard-legal lands as of January 2018 (that is, after the release of Rivals of Ixalan):
  • Enemy Fastlands
    • WB- Concealed Courtyard
    • UR - Spirebluff Canal
    • BG - Blooming Marsh
    • RW - Inspiring Vantage
    • GU - Botanical Sanctum
  • Enemy Taplands
    • WB - Forsaken Sanctuary
    • UR - Highland Lake
    • BG - Foul Orchard
    • RW - Stone Quarry
    • GU - Woodland Stream
  • Allied Checklands
    • WU - Glacial Fortress
    • UB - Drowned Catacomb
    • BR - Dragonskull Summit
    • RG - Rootbound Crag
    • GW - Sunpetal Grove
  • Allied Cyclelands
    • WU - Irrigated Farmland
    • UB - Fetid Pools
    • BR - Canyon Slough
    • RG - Sheltered Thicket
    • GW - Scattered Groves
  • Allied Taplands
    • WU - Meandering River
    • UB - Submerged Boneyard
    • BR - Cinder Barrens
    • RG - Timber Gorge
    • GW - Tranquil Expanse
  • Five Color Lands
    • Evolving Wilds
    • Unclaimed Territory (Tribal)
    • Aether Hub (Energy)
    • Spire of Industry (Artifact)
  • Single Color Desert Painlands
    • Shefet Dunes
    • Ipnu Rivulet
    • Ifnir Deadlands
    • Ramunap Ruins (Banned)
    • Hashep Oasis 
  • Single Color Cycling Deserts
    • Desert of the True
    • Desert of the Mindful
    • Desert of the Glorified
    • Desert of the Fervent
    • Desert of the Indomitable
  • Colorless Deserts
    • Scavenger Grounds
    • Hostile Desert
    • Dunes of the Dead
    • Cradle of the Accursed
    • Grasping Dunes
    • Sunscorched Desert
  • Colorless Lands
    • Inventor' Fair (Artifact)
    • Sequestered Stash (Artifact)
    • Arch of Orazca (Ascend)
    • Field of Ruin

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

Blue Devotion with Dragons of Tarkir

The last couple of months have been pretty busy for me, so Fate Reforged has come and gone without me posting anything about it. As it happens, one of the most interesting decks that I came up with for Fate Reforged and never talked about now gets multiple significant upgrades from Dragons of Tarkir. I am talking about Blue Devotion, an archetype that had been basically dead since Khans rotated in. My FRF blue devotion deck was as follows:

FRF Blue Devotion
Creature (28)
4x Hypnotic Siren
4x Master of Waves
4x Shaman of the Great Hunt
3x Thassa, God of the Sea
3x Triton Shorestalker
3x Vaporkin
4x Wall of Frost
3x Welkin Tern

Artifact (2)
1x Bident of Thassa
1x Hall of Triumph

Enchantment (7)
3x Cloudform
4x Pin to the Earth

Land (23)
8x Island
3x Mountain
1x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4x Shivan Reef
1x Swiftwater Cliffs
1x Temple of Abandon
4x Temple of Epiphany
1x Temple of Mystery

With the loss of devotion-enabling goodies from Return to Ravnica block, building an aggressive Blue Devotion deck became an uphill struggle to find enough playable blue permanents to power Master of Waves and Thassa. This basically forces you to play a bunch of tiny evasive creatures of dubious quality. When I first experimented with this archetype after Khans came out, I came to the conclusion that the deck was hopeless without a Master of Waves in play, and not even that good at supporting devotion for Thassa and the Master.

Fate Reforged changed this with two interesting additions. First we got a somewhat decent devotion enabler in Cloudform which, though not impressive by any means, turns out to be the only playable creature under four mana with two blue in its cost (not counting Wall of Frost, which is more of a removal spell than an actual creature). With a deck full of tiny creatures, you are not terribly likely to get a valuable manifest card with Cloudform, but it does give you the option of flipping the morph for an extra devotion, sometimes. The really exciting innovation, though, came with Shaman of the Great Hunt.

With a deck as linear as blue devotion, an off-color permanent really needs to be amazing to earn slot. I believe the Shaman does that, in spades. It has great synergy with all the small evasive attackers, and provides a strong drawing engine if it ever lives until you untap. Its chances of actually attacking and damaging an opposing player are not great, but still better than in other decks, thanks to Thassa's ability, and the fact that opponents don't have much of a reason to hold back blockers otherwise. In short, the Shaman is a second must-kill threat, to complement Master of Waves.

The deck above is not top tier, but it's pretty cool, and I think it's good enough to bring to a tournament without embarrassing yourself. However, it has some important weaknesses, such as needing to play some mediocre cheap creatures to fill its curve, and often having a relatively low devotion count. Hence, I was pretty excited to find that Dragons of Tarkir fixed all this, by providing solid replacements for the weakest creatures and a strong card costing UUU.

DTK Blue Devotion
Creature (28)
3x Gudul Lurker
4x Hypnotic Siren
4x Master of Waves
4x Shaman of the Great Hunt
4x Shorecrasher Elemental
4x Stratus Dancer
4x Thassa, God of the Sea
1x Vaporkin

Enchantment (6)
2x Cloudform
4x Pin to the Earth

Artifact (2)
1x Bident of Thassa
1x Hall of Triumph

Land (24)
8x Island
1x Mana Confluence
2x Mountain
2x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
4x Shivan Reef
2x Swiftwater Cliffs
4x Temple of Epiphany
1x Temple of Mystery

Gudul Lurker and Stratus Dancer play out just like the Triton Shorestalker and Vaporkin they replace in the early game, while getting quite a bit better when topdecked in the late game. But the real star is the Shorecrasher Elemental, which doubles as a strong and versatile body, and an outstanding devotion enabler. The deck now has enough devotion to go back to 4 Thassas, and enough mana sinks to make good use of a second Nykthos.

miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Abzan Constellation

Today's deck is an experiment in trying to make the most out of Constellation synergies. We have 32 cards that are either enchantments or enchantment generators, 10 cards that strongly reward us for playing so many enchantments (including 4 Eidolon of blossoms, 4 Doomwake Giant, and 2 Kruphix's Insight), and enough early plays, removal and lifegain to consistently survive until the midgame against even the most aggresive decks out there. The new cards from Khans are unexciting, but very useful: Sandsteppe Citadel enables a solid and relatively painless mana base, whereas Debilitating Injury is a cheap removal spell that is great against small creatures, not completely dead against larger threats, and works with all our enchantment triggers.

Creature (21)
3x Brimaz, King of Oreskos
3x Courser of Kruphix
4x Doomwake Giant
4x Eidolon of Blossoms
2x Nyx-Fleece Ram
1x Sylvan Caryatid
4x Underworld Coinsmith

Artifact (1)
1x Whip of Erebos

Enchantment (11)
1x Abzan Ascendancy
4x Banishing Light
4x Debilitating Injury
1x First Response
1x Spear of Heliod

Sorcery (3)
1x Commune with the Gods
2x Kruphix's Insight

Land (24)
3x Caves of Koilos
2x Forest
3x Llanowar Wastes
1x Mana Confluence
2x Plains
4x Sandsteppe Citadel
2x Temple of Malady
2x Temple of Plenty
2x Temple of Silence
3x Windswept Heath

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Khans Suicide Black

Now that most of the Mono-Black Devotion package (Pack Rat, Desecration Demon, Underworld Connections) has rotated, we get the opportunity to experiment with black cards that, while strong, had been previously overshadowed by superior options. Among these, a personal favorite is Pain Seer, the not-quite-Dark-Confidant from Born of the Gods. Unlocking the full potential of this creature requires a deckbuilder to meet two hard requirements: to survive Pain Seer's ability, and to actually be able to activate that ability. This means that we need a deck with a very low curve (or obscene amounts of lifegain), and enough removal or tricks to allow a bear to attack into a metagame full of Coursers of Kruphix, and survive until the next untap phase. Can we build a viable deck under these restrictions? Will it be worth all the effort?
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lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Aggro Combo with Jeskai Ascension

Last time, I promised I would finally show a deck with Defiant Strike that wasn't a mere rehash of unplayable Theros block lists. Interestingly, this one plays like an odd mixture of aggro and combo, with a low curve of critters, but also lots of drawing effects, many triggered abilities to keep track of, and the ability to finish games with a glorious barrage of spells. Supporting it all, we have one of the more intriguing cards from Khans: Jeskai Ascendancy.
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viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Soldier Heroic with Khans of Tarkir

The second of my experiments with Defiant Strike was a mono-white deck with just a slight touch of heroic (11 heroic creatures and 12 enablers), a strong focus on tokens (with Raise the Alarm, Vanguard of Brimaz, Brimaz, and Launch the Fleet) and a ton of crusade effects. Since the mana curve is very low and we have a bunch of cantrips, the deck is able to work with just 18 lands. The only non-soldier creatures (for Obelisk of Urd purposes) are the Selfless Cathars, but they work really well with all the tokens, so I'm willing to give them a pass.
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Boros Heroic with Khans of Tarkir

One of my favorite cards from the recently spoiled Khans of Tarkir is a seemingly inoffensive cantrip, Defiant Strike (W, target creature gets +1/+0, draw a card). I have been trying to build a working Heroic deck in Standard ever since Theros was released last year, but they always ended up too clunky, with poor mana and too many weak cards. A key issue that I kept running into was that most Heroic cards were white, but the color had almost no heroic enablers worth playing. With Defiant Strike, there is now enough critical mass for a successful deck or three. In this post, and the following ones, I will show some lists inspired by the card.
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